The UK’s Premier Pest Control Exhibition

Visitor Registration


NPTA Announces Details of ‘PestTech 2019’                                                  

An important date for your diary will be Wednesday 6th November, which is when the NPTA’s ‘PestTech 2019’ exhibition and conference will take place.

Opening times 09:00 – 16:00

Described as the event for pest control technicians, this annual gathering of more than 1,000 pest controllers will showcase the very latest information, featuring over 50 exhibitors and a full programme of presentations.

Click here for Floor Plan.

Click here for Seminar Programme

CPD points will be available for attending the exhibition as well as for every seminar and demonstration.

Following on from the amazing success of last year’s event at the custom-built Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, we have decided to hold our PestTech event there again this year.

The feedback we received last year was overwhelmingly positive, from both exhibitors and pest controllers who attended. We have been very impressed with the facilities at the Marshall Arena, so we are greatly looking forward to this year’s event.

So, set your SatNav for MK1 1ST or check out the details at:  and we’ll see you on the 6th of November.


Visitor Registration


PestTech 2018